Has Industry 4.0 created a new industry sector?

Unveiled to the German public in 2013 at the Hannover Messe, Industry 4.0 combines the three major technological innovations of the last 50 years: automation, AI and the integration of digital into objects to design a new, more efficient and flexible industrial production model. A transformation compared to a revolution given the economic stakes involved.

Companies in the industrial sector and digital transformation

Originally designed for very large companies, over the years we have seen that it applies to all sectors of the economy and to all sizes of companies. The advances made in the field of artificial intelligence and the democratization of digital tools are revolutionizing the world of work.

The challenges of Industry 4.0 are many. Companies that incorporate this development improve the automation of their production. The collection of data on a cloud in real time and its compilation can be consulted and updated by the various stakeholders.


This better reactivity allows to anticipate and frees productivity from the heaviness inherent to its traditional mode of operation. The digital transformation has accelerated this work methodology. A smartphone is now all that is needed to analyze sensitive company data.

The simplification of information circuits coupled with robotization eliminates certain functions in the company. This may be a frightening reduction in jobs, but it also means that new jobs will be created. This has been a major change in the industry and the manufacturing sector.

Industry 4.0 has created a new generation of connected, robotic and smart factories

Smart companies can better manage their productivity and manufacturing costs by adapting more quickly to market demand. This industrial revolution:

  • completely changes the use of the machine,
  • optimizes the production cycle,
  • impacts the technology used in every sector of the industry.

From modeling a car to modeling a purse to building a building, Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing work by transforming the way we work.

The software driving the robots or augmented reality allow to simplify and model the devices making their elaboration or modification faster. The industry of the future wants to facilitate. Gaining efficiency at each stage of the manufacturing process to satisfy the end customer is its mantra. Its use applies to the technology of each sector of activity. Considered a source of division when it was first introduced, it now unites all branches of activity, bringing together traditional craftsmen and high-tech companies.

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