IoT, a solution to improve energy efficiency in companies

The Internet of Things promises to reduce consumption, control environmental impact, make the most of energy losses, save money and use high-performance equipment. Industries 4.0 have understood this. The objective is to optimize their production performance while saving money and controlling their impact on the environment. At the heart of today’s societal and industrial concerns, let’s see how IoT can help businesses be more profitable and sustainable on a daily basis.

Corporate environmental and social responsibility

If Canadian magazine Corporate Knights is to be believed, French software company Dassault Système has risen to the top 100 most sustainable companies in the world for 2018. Beyond the announcement effect and the crowing that can be legitimately gargled, let’s underline the impact of such an announcement for the image and reputation of the award-winning company. At a time when climate change and greenhouse gases are a major concern, the environmental parameter is one of the main criteria to be taken into account by both individuals and professionals. To adapt to these new issues and find effective solutions, companies have every interest in looking at the Internet of Things.

Yes, the IoT can allow you to reduce your company’s energy footprint on the environment, but also to offer your employees, your customers and the public at large a greener image of your business. Indeed, if well managed, taking environmental issues into account can be an opportunity to meet real contextual requirements while enhancing your company through a resolutely ethical and modern positioning.

IoT applied to the energy performance of companies

Placing sensors on your equipment, making the flow of energy perceptible, relying on tangible and ultra-contextualized data, these are some of the proposals made by specialists in the connected objects sector. Today, the IoT is able to capture very precisely the quality of air, soil and water. It can also estimate the rate of gas or electricity consumption and cross-reference all the data collected to offer predictive models to companies.

The Internet of Things is the art of sticking as close to reality as possible, of creating algorithms capable of optimizing and anticipating consumption patterns for each of the company’s items. The IoT offers real value-added services for industry. Thanks to it, it is now possible to audit industrial processes, on an ad hoc or permanent basis, in order to anchor a lasting change in behaviour.

The building sector is particularly affected by this reality and is at the heart of current environmental issues. According to the article of January 14, 2016 published on EDF’s blog, “44% of French energy consumption is generated by buildings and 70% by professional sites”. In other words, playing the energy reduction card for both public and private buildings is an essential part of our strategy today.

In addition to this reality, the E+C label (Positive Energy and Carbon Reduction Building) will be introduced in 2020. Complementing the RT (Thermal Regulation) 2012 for the reduction of energy consumption of buildings. This new label will make it possible to measure the energy efficiency and the reduction of the carbon footprint of the construction industry. In this increasingly regulated context, architects and developers have every interest in relying on the IoT and its predictive capabilities to optimize the energy consumption of buildings and act on the reduction of the energy footprint of the construction industry on the environment.

Towards smarter, more sustainable infrastructure

The Internet of Things not only provides information on the necessary and optimal energy volumes, but also guarantees a tailor-made service with reliable and secure forecasts. In the context of improving the energy efficiency of companies, SYNOX has, for example, developed various solutions capable of making the infrastructures concerned eco-responsible. In particular, it has delivered an energy monitoring system adapted to industrial machines and an energy supervision system for dyeing machines. These solutions have enabled the companies concerned to limit losses, to make better use of the energy used in their processes and to match their production capacities to their energy needs in order to avoid unnecessary overconsumption. Connecting the business remains one of the most effective ways to improve energy efficiency while saving money. And in this context, the IoT is a major ally.

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