
IoT takes to the water with innovation for the marine environment!

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What is the e-seanergy project?

Human influence threatens our biodiversity right down to the seabed, in addition to the climate. Since 2020, in the Occitanie region, several actors have joined forces to propose concrete solutions for the coastal and marine economy in order to minimize their impact on the marine ecosystem.

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What you need to know 💡

All professionals for whom a marine environment is a tool or work space are arbors, marinas, yacht clubs, rental companies, boat manufacturers, and aquaculture.

The environmental challenge

The use of the solutions proposed by professionals makes it possible to measure the impact of human actions more accurately and to adjust the technical aspects of the devices set up on the coast. For this large-scale project, the Occitanie region has deployed an action plan in three major stages over four years.

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The actors in this project

success story montpellier castelnau iot

Expected results

Within the framework of the e-seanergy project, Synox will provide its Research & Development teams and its server infrastructure in a Tier IV certified data center hosted in France. The technical environment, with its computing and data storage capacity, will make it possible to identify development, testing, integration, pre-production, and production platforms with technologies that ensure the security and scalability of the solutions developed.

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Make the IoT a solution with a positive impact on humans and a reasonable impact on the planet.

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« We want to put the IoT at the service of marine professionals, particularly in aquaculture, to provide them with biological data. »
Emmanuel Mouton, CEO of Synox, for Journal Du Net, in 2021.

« Out-There has joined forces with the company Synox and the IES […] in Montpellier to carry out a project to develop automated marine sensors. »
Out-there, in 2021.

innovate together

I wish to join the ship…


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