If the smart city is at the heart of the shift towards an ecosystem approach, this process cannot be achieved without the use ofopen data and data governance. Smart cities and territories are at the heart of environmental, societal and economic concerns, requiring initiatives and investments at technical, human and financial levels. So what real vision does data governance hold and what promise does it hold for the near and distant future?
Data governance at the heart of smart city issues
In the same way that the digital world has revolutionized the way smart cities are organized smart city, examples of governance of governance show how it tends to renew relationships between the various players in society.
With the constant evolution of technologies and field experiments, and thanks to the omnipresence of connected sensors in our uses, the world of data is contributing to :
- to give citizens, elected representatives and their ecological organizations a sense of solidarity in the decision-making process for transforming the smart city;
- opt for adaptive solutions and sustainable development services, in line with the resilience objectives of the smart city ;
- facilitate control and maintenance of water, electricity, gas and communications networks;
- optimize public transport infrastructure and parking facilities.
How to control and enhance data, while respecting the privacy of citizens?
It seems difficult today not to be concerned by the opening of data, as the management systems of the territory and the technologies are articulated around this strategic issue.
However, whether you look at it from the point of view of the smart city with its tailor-made transport and mobility, the smart city and its water management, or the smart city and its drive to lower energy costs, progress doesn’t necessarily mean intruding into the lives of city dwellers.
It’s all about collaboration between public players, companies and private organizations, with the aim of harnessing artificial intelligence for the well-being of all.
It should also be noted that data may under no circumstances be communicated if they infringe privacy protection, medical secrecy, intellectual property rights, industrial and commercial secrecy, national defense secrecy, State security, public safety, personal safety or the security of government information systems.
Pooling and interoperability
The fact that information and communication technologies are at the very heart of smart city governance is due to their prowess in innovation and constant evolution. These infrastructures contribute to improving the quality of life of individuals in communities, thanks to their interoperability capabilities. In smart cities, this means managing urban services in a way that respects the needs of current and future generations, in all areas of daily life, whether economic, social, environmental or cultural.
What is interoperability?
To understand what a smart city really is and what its characteristics are, we need to familiarize ourselves with the notion of interoperability and understand the importance of the issues it raises. Before seeking to connect the multiple sensors of the IoT network together, all stakeholders in the smart city design process must pool their data, open the dialogue and nurture it over time.
Interoperability is generally understood to mean a form of mixing information technologies so that it can be cross-referenced prior to a centralized analysis. This treatment, which is carried out with the confidence of the inhabitants and local elected officials, is the first step towards a significant reduction in deployment and sustainability costs.
Concrete examples are legion:
mobility of citizens, with cleanliness and speed;
preservation of water and air quality;
customized waste collection
ease of management of intramural deliveries
public lighting, to the rhythm of the frequentation of the streets and avenues.
Why is interoperability a challenge for the smart city?
Only by launching smart city or sustainable city initiatives will we succeed in concentrating populations in a limited territory, in the most optimal living conditions and without impacting the planet. If interoperability is inseparable from the smart city and artificial intelligence, how does it work in practice?
- Transport users register on their smartphones and receive notifications about their journey in real time.
- Electrical distribution networks track changes in residents’ habits to optimize household energy consumption.
- Artificial intelligence prevents wear and tear and equipment failure before they occur.
- The IoT system creates an interaction between the surveillance gateway and the intrusion detector.