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Cap’IoT Smart Transport, an event dedicated to the transport and logistics industry

Cap’IoT Smart Transport, an event dedicated to the transport and logistics industry

On Friday, June 14, 2019, Cap'IoT Smart Transport, the annual Synox event, took place. For this 5th edition, a ...
Synox partner of Métropolisme, the festival on the city of tomorrow at Tropisme Hall

Synox partner of Métropolisme, the festival on the city of tomorrow at Tropisme Hall

From September 27th to October 13th, visit the Halle Tropisme in Montpellier to discover the modern city from ...
All about the Internet of Things

All about the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things, a booming market that will increase sixfold in the next year The Internet of ThingsThe ...
IoT World 2020, the exhibition not to be missed!

IoT World 2020, the exhibition not to be missed!

The exhibition is postponed but our participation remains unchanged! The Synox team will be present on September 23
A look back at IoT World 2020, a two-day trade show entirely dedicated to the Internet of Things

A look back at IoT World 2020, a two-day trade show entirely dedicated to the Internet of Things

The Synox team was present on September 23 and 24 in Paris at the IoT World. The flagship event dedicated to the ...
IoT Device Management: front-page topic of IoT World 2019

IoT Device Management: front-page topic of IoT World 2019

On March 20th and 21st, during the IoT World exhibition in Paris, we had the opportunity to present our ...

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