Smart Territory
They trust us
L’IoT au service de la démoustication et l’étude de l’écosystème
Surveiller l’évolution d’un environnement grâce à l’IoT
Avant de travailler avec Synox, l’EID Méditerranée s’appuyait essentiellement sur le savoir-faire et les connaissances de ses agents de terrain. Dans un objectif d’amélioration continue, la structure, certifiée Qualité (ISO 9001), Sécurité (ISO 45001) et Environnement (ISO 14001), cherchait une solution pour automatiser la collecte des données de mesure et réduire les déplacements et la présence des agents sur le terrain.
Avec plus de 80 agents de terrain, sur un territoire allant des confins de Marseille jusqu’à Perpignan, il vaut mieux optimiser pour assurer la coordination des actions !
Après avoir utilisé la solution à petite échelle avec l’un de nos Starter Kit « Niveau des cours d’eau », l’EID Méditerranée a choisi de s’orienter vers des capteurs connectés pour mettre en place tout un réseau de suivi favorisant l’interaction, la collecte connectée et le reporting des données.
Humidity and temperature sensors: data that raises new questions
The monitoring of water levels allows agents and specialists of the controlled environments to anticipate the dynamics of mosquito egg hatching, and therefore to plan mosquito control interventions.
The monitoring of temperatures is also considered on the same principle, since it is a factor influencing the speed of development of mosquito larvae (aquatic phase) and that field observations tend to think that these parameters evolve with climate change.
For the record 💡
“The autonomy and reliability of the sensors is a very good point for us, so the day one of them stopped communicating, Ne looked for the cause and wee were far from thinking that it was a wild bull that interrupted that connection!”
For Nicolas Sidos (head of the Improvement of Practices and Operational Innovations division of EID Méditerranée), transparency, clarity and readability of data are very important. With his fellow field agents, specialists in their sector, he discovered information that he and they did not suspect.
“The advantages for us are numerous: monitoring of water levels, temperature and dynamics, remotely and in real time, to guide field monitoring. It also allows us to reduce our presence on site. It’s easy to use and the data is reliable.
The solution implemented
According to Nicolas, the link between vegetation and mosquito egg density is known and published. On-site data collection only confirms this.
The EID-Med has been able to map the areas known as “at risk”, Nicolas gives a precise example of the usefulness of a sensor with a defined alert threshold:
Humidity and temperature sensors help the operator to evaluate the dynamics of watering of a wetland, which can have various and complex origins (natural influence from the sea, precipitation or anthropic: irrigation), in order to have the most accurate vision possible.
Identity card
Activity: Public operator with a central mission to control harmful species of mosquitoes from coastal and retro coastal wetlands, since 1959.
Location: France
The EID Méditerranée is a mixed syndicate, operator of 5 Departments (66, 11, 34, 30, 13) and the Occitanie Region.
- Monitor water level fluctuations, field biology and dynamics.
- Adapt to weather conditions.
- Intervene in the best way possible and make the data collected more reliable.
Mise en place d’une solution adaptée au milieu très spécifique d’une solution durable et évolutive pour étudier et contrôler le développement des larves de moustiques.
The results
The fact of having a light human presence (or even no presence when the environment requires it) contributes to the reduction of the carbon footprint and the road risk and is an asset for EID-Med with respect to the managers of natural areas, in particular.
“It’s brought us things, so we’re continuing, multiplying the deployment to new sites and issues to be addressed.”