Smart City

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tam logo M3M castelnau

The three objectives of the Smart City are to:



the ecological transition



economic development

M3M city


the inclusive and supportive city

The overall smart city approach includes:

  • The development of digital citizenship,
  • The development of innovative urban applications and services,
  • An open innovation process involving research centers, large groups and SMEs/spart ups,
  • A digital foundation, in particular a platform for centralizing, optimizing and making available urban data,
  • A structured public policy on urban data, with a view to providing economic leverage, but also transparency and modernization of public action.

Digital and inclusive Castelnau-le-Lez

The adoption by the City of Castelnau-le-Lez of the Smart City approach is part of the city’s desire to pursue its digital development.

These advances also make it possible to facilitate travel for all. The installation of these sensors for PRMs in the city is a continuation of the first communal commission on accessibility. These initiatives help to promote inclusion of all.

The success story, in video

Download the testimonial in PDF


As a publisher and integrator of IoT platforms, Synox supports companies and communities wishing to implement their IoT projects easily and securely, regardless of the objects and technology used.

The territory of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole is made up of 31 municipalities. Its regional capital, Montpellier, has 272,084 inhabitants. Its demographic growth is the highest in France and 50% of its population is under 34 years old.

Les 3 piliers de la villes du futur

Découvrez 19 pages de conseils d'experts pour construire une ville intelligente !

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