Smart Industry & Health
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How has HORIBA Medical’s transformation through IoT enabled them to anticipate the needs of their customers while guaranteeing 24-hour service quality?
HORIBA Medical is a manufacturer specialized in the production of in vitro diagnostic analyzers for laboratories. The company is present in nearly 150 countries on 5 continents and supplies more than 30,000 laboratories worldwide.
The problem
HORIBA Medical’s Yumizen analyzers are complex products that may require upgrades, checks and maintenance. The company must therefore be as close as possible to the customer to be able to anticipate breakdowns, but also to test and check the equipment before going to the customer’s premises. The goal is to understand if the problem is related to the use of the product, or if the product is in trouble and requires intervention.
And, to prepare for this, the manufacturer requires access to data, products and interfaces at customers far away from the company. So HORIBA Medical sought a solution that would allow it to connect its instruments, collect and send data while being concerned about privacy and cyber security.
The solution
In moving toward IoT, one of HORIBA Medical’s key goals is to be well prepared for potential interventions. HORIBA Medical wanted to move towards IoT, since it is by capturing data that we can be alerted and therefore anticipate. But the company needed support. HORIBA Medical initially sought a turnkey solution. Then the company realized that the problem went beyond the pure connection. The real challenge lies in finding an infrastructure that can interface the products regardless of the customer’s configuration and country, internet or telephone network configurations. One of HORIBA Medical’s challenges is also the ability to support the 24-hour environment, rather than availability based solely on French working hours, which do not match those of all customers worldwide.
After competing with several IoT players who seemed to have the solution to its problems, HORIBA Medical realized that in addition to being a local company, Synox was the most favorable solution and was able to support HORIBA Medical in its transformation. Synox seemed to them to be a company that had the required experience and that was already offering services to other clients. In addition, the fact that it is a human-sized company allowed us to bring agility to a large group like HORIBA Medical.
Identity card
Activity: Medical diagnostic analyzers
Creation date:
1945 : Creation of the HORIBA group
1983 : Creation of ABX Diagnostics
Geographic scope: Nearly 150 countries on 5 continents
Workforce: +1400 employees
- Sensor equipment on blood analysis instruments
- POC (Proof of Concept) deployed on 3 sites
- Securing the data
- Anticipate breakdowns to better prepare for possible interventions
- Automate the collection of data from equipment 24 hours a day
- Direct interaction between HORIBA Medical and customer laboratories
- Collection of equipment data and provision of data in real time
- Possibility to act on the equipment remotely
- Early warning of the risk of failure
What convinced HORIBA Medical to work with our teams was mainly trust. This confidence was established because the teams showed their ability to provide the technical tools and hosting necessary for the implementation of a solution that cannot yet be scaled.
Once the problem was defined and Synox appeared to be a satisfactory solution, HORIBA Medical created a team consisting of a technical pilot, an IT pilot, and the managers who were looking for solutions. The goal of this team? Express simple and pragmatic requests to Synox.
The Synox teams therefore proposed to HORIBA Medical to work in stages, starting with a POC (Proof Of Concept). The objective of this POC was to concretize the expression of the need and to verify its feasibility. It also allowed us to anticipate any difficulties that might be encountered during development and to ensure that the technical solution that Synox proposes to HORIBA Medical is in line with its needs and expectations.
Sylvain JACQUEMIN, Deputy Managing Director of HORIBA Medical
The results
The first stage of the POC lasted 6 months and allowed HORIBA Medical to be certain of the feasibility of the project, the reactivity of the teams and established a climate of confidence essential to the success of the collaboration.
Following the validation of the POC, HORIBA Medical has an integrated solution that allows it to collect data from its equipment and act on it remotely without sending a technician to the customer’s site, which would never have been possible before. This solution can now be deployed on a large scale. The company was also able to integrate useful features for customers: they will be able to interact with their manufacturer, who can interact with its own environment.
Today, the integration of an IoT solution in HORIBA Medical’s activity allows it to optimize its production processes, to better anticipate interventions and to increase customer satisfaction. In the medium term, the Yumizen range should already be fully connected. In the long term, the goal is to connect all of the equipment, which numbers in the tens of thousands. In the future, HORIBA Medical is also considering a preventive maintenance solution, the implementation of automated order triggers and the creation of an international service.
Trust players like Synox, trust your teams in their ability to understand, propose and understand solutions.
Sylvain JACQUEMIN, Deputy Managing Director of HORIBA Medical
The testimony, in video
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As a publisher and integrator of IoT platforms, Synox supports companies and communities wishing to implement their IoT projects easily and securely, regardless of the objects and technology used.