Our use cases of Smart Transport & Logistics
Use cases of Smart Transport & Logistics
All our use cases
Smart Transport & Smart Logistics
Welcome to the transport and logistics of the future!
Why connect transport and logistics?
Connected transport and logistics allow to focus on optimizing fleet management and improving supply chain processes for fleet managers.
Urban Mobility
- Urban traffic analysis
- Smart parking
- Soft mobility management
- Real time transport information
- Highway infrastructure monitoring
- Visits to freeway service areas
Fleet management
- Real time geolocation
- Analysis of consumption
- Tracking of kilometers traveled
- Control of its TCO
- Optimization of maintenance
- Car-sharing and free-floating
- Eco-driving
Transport and logistics
- Last mile management
- Traceability of the goods
- Remote temperature monitoring
- Hazardous Materials Monitoring
- Supply Chain Optimization
- Telematics for trucks
Why trust us?
deployed devices
different models of sensors managed
customer support satisfaction
3 examples of use cases
Discover also our starter kits: a quick and efficient answer
to all your Smart Transport use cases
Controlling the cold chain
Measure and monitor indoor temperature in real time with this turnkey solution.
Optimize vehicle parking
Management of PRM or paid parking, monitor your parking spaces in real time.
Real-time object geolocation
Locate your mobile equipment and also detect area exits and potential shocks and thefts.